Buried Treasure
So I finally figured out what I've been trying to communicate to friends, counselors, family and everyone about my mental health lately. You have to understand that I am logical about my depression, so if I come to you one day and say, " hey i'm depressed, let me talk to you about it and hear your input," you might say something like sure. You listen and then you might suggest option A or option B, maybe even nothing at all because my situation has you perplexed or you just know that being a good listener can sometimes be the solution. Thing is, not to offend you, but the way I work with my mental health is I've already thought of options A-C and even construed option X, Y, Z and sometimes option #267. The point I'm trying to make is this: I've exhausted myself not only being depressed or anxious about something, I've gone the extra mile and thought of every possible solution, ran simulation after simulation of each option with a success/failure rate, ...