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I was going to post about this earlier and feel free to comment if you want. My heart goes out to both families of someone who has died as the result of an officer shooting as well as those families with active on-duty police officers. This is a very difficult thing that is going on, however I am sure that violent protests are not the answer. I am also sure that not every police officer is perfect and neither are the people they interact with everyday. However, I am so grateful for those people who do risk their lives everyday, just as I am grateful for those who serve in the military, whether or not I agree with the government's military decisions.

There are some that definitely abuse power and the justice system in our country is not perfect either, but there is a better way to act in times like these. I'm so grateful that God has taught me lately that as much as I instinctively judge people based off of my first impressions or from what I hear on the news, that is definitely not the whole story of those people's lives.

It is very sad to me that so many people feel that in order for their voice to be heard, they must burn down businesses, assault law enforcement, and categorize anyone as corrupt or criminal without trying to first understand all the circumstances surrounding the issues.

It is a physiological fact that our brains are constantly figuring out the most effective way to function; creating as many "shortcut" association paths to quicken our brain's processing speed. Living in a world where information flows so fast, we have programmed ourselves to quickly trust whatever we see in the news, television, movies, and other media without really trying to understand the real story and the intents and motivations of those writing these stories or the people involved.

Again, I'm so grateful that this is not an adversity that I am directly dealing with in my life, because I'm not sure how I would react in the moment. However, I hope that everyone will develop some faith in each other and come together to make a difference in meaningful and uplifting ways.


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